Quicktext Pro
Quicktext is the extension that I put most of my time into and also the extension that I'm most happy with. Quicktext is no longer just one extension. There are now two Quicktext versions: Quicktext which is free, and Quicktext Pro which you must buy a license to use. Before you buy Quicktext Pro, I suggest that you first test the free version.
What's New in Quicktext Pro
The new feature is support for Thunderbird 5 and 6 and Postbox 2.5. There are also some small bugfixes
What is Quicktext
Quicktext is an extension for Thunderbird that lets you create templates that can be easily inserted into your own emails. Using Thunderbird, Quicktext is the perfect tool to help you quickly answer routine, repetitive emails. Quicktext performs both simple and complex tasks. The program can insert different signatures into your emails depending on whom you are sending the email to.
Even better, you can use variables like [[TO=firstname]] to personalize your emails. You can also specify an emails subject and which attachments to add when creating a template for your email.
There are many easy ways to insert a template: by toolbar; by adding a button to the main-toolbar; you can right-click and choose a template; you can set up shortcuts like Alt+1 to insert a specific template; and most useful of all, the keyword feature. Just add a keyword to a template and then write that word in the email and press TAB---the keyword is then replaced by the template.
If you are a new user to Quicktext I recommend that you start with reading the Getting Started page. The guide will help you with installing and setting up Quicktext.
Here are some comments I received about Quicktext:
I'd recommend QuickText to anyone else who finds themselves repeating the same things in email after email.
- Gervase Markham
Perhaps I should also tell you, that we had last days a discussion in our little company here about email clients. That's for sure, that I could not change if I even would, but its not Thunderbird that I couldn't change (besides, I don't want to!), it is Quicktext that does so much work for me, that I will not do without it.
- Quicktext Pro user
The differences: Quicktext v. Quicktext Pro
The Pro version includes everything in the free version plus even more features (described below). To make the Pro version I have taken the free version and added more features to it. I haven't removed any feature from the free version instead all bugs I fixed for the Pro version also have been fixed in the free version. The biggest differences between Quicktext and Quicktext Pro are:
1. Quicktext Pro has script support. Script support makes it possible for you to write your own scripts to get exactly what you want (to learn more about script support click here).
2. Quicktext Pro has support for importing more than one file at startup and can also import files from a web server (to learn about sharing templates click here).
3. Several new tags are available only in Quicktext Pro. The most interesting tag is probably the INPUT-tag. When used, the INPUT-tag gives you a prompt to fill in a value. You can also use it to select between several predefined values. Find out more about all the tags here.
4. Quicktext Pro has support for assigning which attachments are to be attached when you insert your template.
The future
I have many features planned for Quicktext Pro. The biggest feature I want to create is a stand alone companion Manager program where you can create groups and edit templates. With the Manager program the administrator would be able to create user groups and assign which files every user group would have. Then the user selects a user group and automatically gets all the templates defined for that user group. I also have plans to create a web interface for managing groups and templates.
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Emil Hesslow
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