Phil2007-07-11 04:35:37
Is it possible to have an input - say, the year - and use it in multiple places in the email you're composing without having to enter it twice?
WizKid2007-07-16 01:28:47
Yes as long as you put the same name on all you will only be asked once.

But there is currently a bugg with means that if you use the same input in both the subject and body you will be asked twice. But that will be fixed to the next version.
nevalabs2007-08-22 05:36:31

I'm having problems exactly with this bug. Do you know when the next version will come out? Thanks!
nevalabs2007-12-03 22:58:05
Hello, I make extensive use of input variables that are used in both Subject and Body. Having to retype 'em all the time is very lame. Are there any chances of having this bug fixed soon ?!
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