Quicktext > Support & Help > URL link
FxMan2008-02-26 05:42:42
Is it possible to insert a tag like <a href="">Name of the Site</a>?
Where the url is not show but the name of the site is?

WizKid2008-02-26 22:30:33
Just choose Insert As HTML and you can use the HTML-code you posted.
FxMan2008-02-28 16:36:24
That did not work. It just displayed all the text in a line just like it looks above.
What did work however was html with head, body etc. plus css formatting.

Now what I would like is to get the [[TO=firstname]], & [[CURSOR]] scripts to work.
since I have display in html selected it just shows the script but does not run it.
Do I need to specify in the html that there is a script and what type?

WizKid2008-02-28 21:16:21
html, head and body tags are striped so they don't do anything.

Not understand what you mean. Do you write it in the settings window or?
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