trippleF2009-11-04 09:41:24

If created the following Template for testing the variables:
AN (TO):
Vorname: ->[[TO=firstname]]<-
Nachname: ->[[TO=lastname]]<-
Voller Name: ->[[TO=fullname]]<-
Anzeigename: ->[[TO=displayname]]<-
Spitzname: ->[[TO=nickname]]<-
EMail: ->[[TO=email]]<-
Tel. dienstlich: ->[[TO=workphone]]<-
Fax: ->[[TO=faxnumber]]<-
Mobil: ->[[TO=cellularnumber]]<-
Anrede: ->[[TO=jobtitle]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 1: ->[[TO=custom1]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 2: ->[[TO=custom2]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 3: ->[[TO=custom3]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 4: ->[[TO=custom4]]<-

Vorname: ->[[FROM=firstname]]<-
Nachname: ->[[FROM=lastname]]<-
Voller Name: ->[[FROM=fullname]]<-
Anzeigename: ->[[TO=displayname]]<-
Spitzname: ->[[FROM=nickname]]<-
EMail: ->[[FROM=email]]<-
Tel. dienstlich: ->[[TO=workphone]]<-
Fax: ->[[TO=faxnumber]]<-
Mobil: ->[[TO=cellularnumber]]<-
Anrede: ->[[FROM=jobtitle]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 1: ->[[FROM=custom1]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 2: ->[[FROM=custom2]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 3: ->[[FROM=custom3]]<-
Benutzerdefiniert 4: ->[[FROM=custom4]]<-

Anhang Name: ->[[ATT=name]]<-
Anhang voll: ->[[ATT=full]]<-

Datum kurz: ->[[DATE]]<-
Datum lang: ->[[DATE=long]]<-
Zeit kurz: ->[[TIME]]<-
Zeit lang: ->[[TIME=seconds]]<-

Betreff: ->[[SUBJECT]]<-
Thunderbird Version: ->[[VERSION]]<-
Cursorposition: ->[[CURSOR]]<-
Zwischenablage: ->[[CLIPBOARD]]<-
Than i created a mail (i've got only Mail account currently), and selected a "to" adress from my addressbook (only one, no double Entry in my Adressbook (i've 3 adressbooks, one used, one for colleting new email adresses (emty) and on for Saving (empty).

Than iv used the template and a lot of variables are not substituted (they are empty) and somtimes firstname and Name are reversed!

Need your help!
Thanks, Chris
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