LewisR2010-12-30 21:28:58
While the subject seems right up QT's alley, I just want to be clear as to what I need.

I have two very frequent typographical errors, one as a result of my ThinkPad keyboard (which I otherwise love quite dearly). One is a constant ";" vs "'" (resulting in didn;t, couldn;t, can;t, etc.) and the other is just a common transposition error: "form" vs "from."

What I would like is to be able to do a simple search on ";^ " (semi-colon followed by anything but a space) and replace that with "'" and a global search & replace for the transposition (with manual review, of course).

I don't care if I need to go through one or two clicks or keystrokes to do the search & replace operations, but manually scanning every email I send for these things is a pain, as well as typing the objects into the find & replace window. (BTW, "didn;t" will come up in spell check as "didn," ignoring the semi-colon and the following letter, making spell check useless for correcting this.)

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