dotancohen2011-07-24 13:46:12
The Mozilla-endorsed extension Thunderbird Conversations has a quickreply feature that lets the user reply to an email from within the message pane. Currently, the Quicktext shortcuts do not work in this view. Please add support for this. Thank you!
dotancohen2011-07-24 13:49:47
Here is the corresponding Thunderbird Conversations feature request, so that the devs may collaborate:

mozjonathan2011-07-24 14:00:43
So there's a plugin mechanism that you can package in your extension. See for an example. Currently we don't have hooks for plugins that interact with the quick reply, but that would be easy to fix.

Here's how we notify plugins about an event:
Here's where you could add a hook so that you receive notifications about a composition session being set up:

I don't know exactly what kind of notification you need, but I'll gladly consider any pull request on GitHub.


dotancohen2011-10-09 23:14:22
Thunderbird Conversations is now not simply another addon in a sea of addons, it is an official Mozilla Labs project:

What can I do to encourage the Quicktext dev to support Conversations? The Conversations dev has already offered to work closely with the Quicktext dev and to add the necessary hooks.

faceless2013-07-01 18:22:21
+1 Would love to see support Quicktext support for Thunderbird Conversations.
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