cgaiii2011-09-28 20:34:15
Looks like Thunderbird 7 is out but Quicktext Pro is not seen as compatible. I hope a compatible upgrade will be possible soon.

Thanks for the hard work.

WizKid2011-09-29 09:36:41
Just download the latest version.
jcmeister2011-10-02 11:55:11
Thanks - works perfectly again! QTP is a MUST for me.
Hauke2011-10-14 09:56:43
THX for the update. Works like a charm in Oneric :-))
hearthd2011-11-09 02:24:17
I just received a notice that Thunderbird 8.0 was ready for download but that it did not support Quicktext. When will the upgrade be available? Thanks. John
blubbber2011-11-09 09:59:54
go to extra -> configuration -> edit konfiguration (i use german one, so the names could be different a bit)

accept that you know what you do

right-click -> New -> Boolean -> extensions.checkCompatibility.8.0 -> false

and the extension will work again. Its working for me like that since 6.0 ^^

all changes in the config on your own risk :)
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