franc2013-10-12 12:31:03

I don't know how to ommitt the space after I enter a shortcut for some lines of text. E.g.:

My shortcut is h for:


But I get:


when I type "H"(SPACE)
Is this a setting or by design?


franc2013-10-15 12:25:17
This is a real bug.
Same thing, when I use the RETURN-key to activate the keyword, there is a CRLF added, which shouldn't.

So either the activating key shouldn't be inserted or at least the user should be able to insert a BACKSPACE-key into the template, which would be the uglier way.

Unfortunately this very useful Add-On is abandoned, so this bugreport won't use any good :(

fcornillie2013-10-18 17:15:07

this has happened to me also since i updated to Thunderbird 24. it's frustrating when you use TAB or SPACE to active your keyword, but better when you use the RETURN key.

this is unfortunate -- I find QuickText a very useful add-on.

thuldai2013-10-21 12:27:56
I have the same problem since the last time I upgraded Thunderbird presumably (version 24.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.8.4). I picked TAB as my keyword activator and now it always adds a tab after the inserted text.

I changed now to SPACE as I find that somewhat less obnoxious but I'd love to have a fix for that. Any hope?
pantarei13092014-03-06 13:36:13
Here is workaround.
Tested with TB 24.1.0 and Quicktext on Windows XP.

0. Close TB.
1. Find XPI file of installed Quicktext - in "%APPDATA%"ThunderbirdProfiles{profile name}extensions, file size is about 73644 bytes.
2. Open XPI file with any tool capable to open and re-pack XPI. I prefer Total Commander Ctrl+Pg Dn.
3. Open chromecontentquicktext.js with text editor.
4. Replace all e.preventBubble() with e.stopPropagation().
5. Replace aEditor.deleteSelection(0) with aEditor.deleteSelection(0, 0).
6. Close editor. Allow your XPI tool to update and re-pack XPI file.
7. Start TB. Enjoy the Quicktext!

I hope Emil will release next version of Quicktext with this patch.
elecbrick2014-03-25 22:10:43
Thank you so much pantarei1309. I have tried to hack the code myself but could not determine what needed to change. Your patch works perfectly for me. I am also using TB 24.

Volker E.2014-05-26 20:42:53
Thanks @pantarei1309
Your solution takes some pain away…!
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