jc.furest2015-07-09 09:11:20
I have my templates who where erased randomly in THB 38.01. and could not import my newly saved settings.
Only my old xml file could be imported.
After some tries I found out, using notapad++, that my old XML file was encoded in UCS-2 Big Endian and the new on had no encoding header at all.
After converting the newer file to UCS-2 Big Endian and save it I could import the settings in Quicktext again.
I would be very nice to correct this quickly.
simsus2015-07-09 20:04:54
Do you have a backup?
I had the same problem with TB 38.0.1
I checked the last backup which was made today in the morning. In this backup there were my templates. I extracted it to my computer and used the import funktion of quicktext. It works.
Just try it!
Prashant39752015-08-14 06:03:02
Dear All

Please Please Please Find the Solution of the Same As I am Helping Mozilla for Development of Thunderbird Nightly Version ( Daily X 64 Version) by Installing in all 5 pc of my office.

From Months not started work in. Just Because of this templates not showing.
pschoenb2015-10-28 17:44:54
This problem is quite easy to fix (works with Lite and Pro version):

1. Open file componenta/wsQuicktext.js of the addon

2. Search for function writeFile()

3. Replace this function with the following fixed and somewhat cleaned up version:

writeFile: function(aFile, aData)
var foStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);

foStream.init(aFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0664, 0);

var converter = Components.classes[""].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter);
converter.charset = "UTF-16";

var chunk = converter.ConvertFromUnicode("uFEFF" + aData);
foStream.write(chunk, chunk.length);

var fin = converter.Finish();
if (fin.length > 0) {
foStream.write(fin, fin.length);


4. Reinstall the modified version.

That's it!
pschoenb2015-10-28 17:47:32
Oops, there ia a backslash lost. One more try:

writeFile: function(aFile, aData)
var foStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);

foStream.init(aFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0664, 0);

var converter = Components.classes[""].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter);
converter.charset = "UTF-16";

var chunk = converter.ConvertFromUnicode("\uFEFF" + aData);
foStream.write(chunk, chunk.length);

var fin = converter.Finish();
if (fin.length > 0) {
foStream.write(fin, fin.length);

pschoenb2015-10-28 17:48:19
The last version is correct.
Prashant39752016-02-23 11:48:03
Can u Send me the Corrected full extension

my id is
Prashant39752016-02-23 12:04:30
I had tried with you code

but not successful.

Send me the Corrected full extension

my id is

jmccuneprQT2016-03-06 14:19:22
Dear pschoenb,

Where is this file to be found? I'm running Win7Pro with QuickTextPro.

Searched entire local C: drive which contains all program files and appdata, using search term wsQuickText.js -- search comes up empty.

You wrote: "Open file componenta/wsQuicktext.js of the addon"
david35242016-04-26 21:56:51
The extension file is called {8845E3B3-E8FB-40E2-95E9-EC40294818C4}.xpi on my system, but this should not be edited directly because it is generated when quicktext is added to your extensions.

If the fix is known, the responsible developer should read this forum and release a new version of quicktext. Please.
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