birdy2007-04-20 10:20:55

I just discovered this extension and instantly fell in love with it! Absolutely marvelous! :-)

Just one question:

When I reply to a news article I want to insert an introduction like this:


Which variable do I need to put in for the author of the originale article?

Wolfgang Klein
WizKid2007-04-20 12:59:51
I don't use newsgroup myself but don't [[FROM=firstname]] work?
birdy2007-04-20 14:07:04
No, FROM does not work, in neither form.
WizKid2007-04-20 16:02:01
Can you explain where the author is stored? Is it in a header? Do I need to find the first email in a thread and get the To-header from there? Or how should it work?
birdy2007-04-20 17:07:25
The author is stored in the header "From:", the same that is used in an e-mail.

I think the only difference is the way Quicktext approaches its variables: Quicktext offers to use the FROM or TO as variables when writing a message. If I'm not mistaken, these variables are set from the new message's point of view: FROM is the one who writes the message (obviously me) and TO is the recipient.

But when you reply to a newsarticle, both variables are not suitable for use in an introduction line: FROM would be set to my name, because it is me that writes the reply, and TO is not set at all because the message is not addressed to a person but to a newsgroup, with the group's name stored in the header "Newsgroups:", of course.

So my guess would be that Quicktext would need to look if there is a header called "Newsgroup" and if it is set, and if so it should grep the header "From:" of the originale article, the one that is being replied to.

I don't know if this is easy to archieve, but Thunderbird does this somehow when you hit reply: it offers the name of the original author to be used in an introduction line like "On Mon, Apr 1, Fred Flintstone wrote:". The appearance of this introduction can be controlled by setting the userpref "mailnews.reply_header_type".

WizKid2007-04-20 17:24:58
Sorry. What you want is probably [[ORGHEADER=from]] which is available in Pro version. Then you get the value of the From-field of the mail you replying to.
birdy2007-04-20 19:18:33
Is there any chance of persuade you to make [[ORGHEADER=from]] available in the free version? Maybe with a SUPER BIG PLEASE! :-)
trutka2007-05-01 23:07:46

WizKid, could you please confirm that [[ORGHEADER=from]] works as Fullname for authors of newsgroups' articles?

You said: "What you want is probably [[ORGHEADER=from]]" and before I buy Pro version I want to make sure that it really does work, and not "probably" work.

Since I'm already asking questions, is there such a Variable or will there be a possibility to add a Variable like RAND(0,100) or something similar? Might be in Pro version (if [[ORGHEADER=from]] works there ;) ).

Thanks for all your work. Quicktext is really great!
WizKid2007-05-02 17:32:30
The reason I said probably is that I don't mailinglists my self and there for I haven't tested it my self.

[[ORGHEADER=from]] will return the full from-header of the mail you reply to so it will look something like "Emil Hesslow <>".

There are no variable that does RAND(0,100) but there is script support in the Pro version and writing a script that does that is very easy. Something like this:
var max = 100;
if (this.mVariables.length > 0)
max = this.mVariables[0];
return Math.floor(Math.random()*max+1);

And then you could call it by using [[SCRIPT=random]] or [[SCRIPT=random|1000]] if you want a different max-value.
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