Sharing Templates
To share templates (or scripts) is very easy in Quicktext. One importing thing to know is that that these templates that get imported on startup each client can't modify. This is because it would be to much work to create something that let several users to read and write from the same file. Instead I just made it impossible to change the template for the users.
1. You need to create the XML-file that you want to share. The easiest is to set up templates in one client and then just use the export-function. But there is nothing that stops you from creating the XML-files on your own.
2. Now you need to place the file somewhere the clients can reach. In the free version this must be a network drive but in the Pro version you can also place it on a webserver.
3. To setup every client so they now which file to import. So open the Quicktext Settings window and go to the General Tab and you have a field called "Import on startup". Just write the path to the XML-file there. The free version only have support for one file but the Pro version have support for importing more then one file at startup and to use that just use the ;-character as delimiter between the different paths.
4. Last you need to restart Thunderbird to get the file imported
The future
In the next Pro version my goal is to create some kind of group system with a standalone Manager program which will make it possible to set up groups and assign which files each group should get imported. So a user just select which group he or she is in and they get all templates that that group contains.
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