lucky_strike2008-09-13 22:43:04
I use the stationary addOn for thunderbird and added some quicktext keywords to the my tempaltes. This looks like that:

Instead of the tab I use the space-key to activate the keywords, but it would be very cool, if quicktext could recognize the keywords after starting a default thunderbird or stationary template...

And search for some example java-scripts... I think there is no area to share example javaScripts (I am no programmer ;-) )

lucky_strike2008-09-14 08:54:29
PS: to recognize keywords in a smart plain-text or HTML-template, for me it would be a real mighty and the most important feature.

For example could parse automatically via RSS the latest headlines from your wordpress blog or joomla website into the footer of the mail [[URL=url|data]]

Or you have a link in your template or signature and you could give it a parameter like "index.php?[[FROM=fullname]]&[[SUBJECT]]

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