forumuser2012-10-18 08:45:29
New version of TB failed to do any of the following:
1. Send new emails
2. Reply to emails
3. Forward emails
It's because of Quicktext, if you disable the addon, everything is okay.

Please help!
GayzeN2012-11-20 21:35:25
Yes, here, too. I followed the bug report to Bugzilla and it's known that QuickText is the issue, but it doesn't look like they're having much success rectifying it yet. I had to disable QuickText and the update is fine without it, but I use this add-on constantly to help communicate with my clients. I really hope it is fixed soon!
skypoint2012-11-20 22:12:39
Same here. I disabled QuickText otherwise Thunderbird 17.0 crashes.
logopogo2012-11-21 01:26:39
I'm also having the same issue in TH 17.0
oblong2012-11-22 08:12:05 has a new beta verson (right hand side). Seems to work now in Thunderbird 17 (Ubuntu).
Jpsy2012-11-22 09:34:28
Quicktext beta is working in TB17.0 on Win 7 64 too!
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