yakovyna2012-11-20 20:35:49
Quicktext causes application crash in Thunderbird 17.0 while opening new message window (no further action - just open window and after few seconds Thunderbird crashes). The bug is reproducible.
clemenz2012-11-20 21:10:52
Here, the same problem is described:

It would be nice if there is a solution here
GayzeN2012-11-20 21:34:18
Yes, here, too. I followed the bug report to Bugzilla and it's known that QuickText is the issue, but it doesn't look like they're having much success rectifying it yet. I had to disable QuickText and the update is fine without it, but I use this add-on constantly to help communicate with my clients. I really hope it is fixed soon!
logopogo2012-11-21 01:26:46
I'm also having the same issue in TH 17.0
Debee2012-11-21 10:48:25
I have also the same problem after update TH 17.0. With quicktext and quicktextpro.
Jace2012-11-21 14:14:56
Same here. I disabled all add-ons then added them back in priority (quick text was 2nd) bang TB died! The phoenix only rose from the dead when I left quick text disabled. All others are working fine. Hope we see a fix soon.
ala_poubelle2012-11-21 14:40:28
I encountered the same problem. Please fix QT soon, I use it a lot.
teegeepen2012-11-21 15:03:08
emil: please fix this it is an invaluable program!!
Patu2012-11-21 16:22:55
Yes please, fix it. TH crashes as soon as I try to write an email.
donhirsch2012-11-21 17:13:54
I am experiencing the same problem.
jgardiner4442012-11-21 17:14:59
TB 17 crashed on me and I ended up having to choose between Quicktext and reverting to TB 16.0.2. Sorry, lost!
bobgriz12012-11-21 18:44:28
Me, too. I have certain language that MUST go in some emails. and I really like the Quicktext to do it. I bragged on it yesterday, and now the update has screwed it up. Please help soon.
kohlmannj2012-11-21 21:21:48
I am also having this problem. I'd be willing to pay for this add-on development would continue on it. Unfortunately, it's not worth anything at this point.
oblong2012-11-22 08:10:43 has a new beta verson (right hand side). Seems to work now in Thunderbird 17 (Ubuntu).
GeXX2012-11-22 12:00:25
Same here!
yakovyna2012-11-22 21:55:37
Seems to be fixed in
Thank you!
carlo X2012-11-23 07:25:59
thank you very very much for the fix
ohoservices2012-11-25 14:37:01
Ubuntu: had to reboot my system after installation for the fix to work... still had problems after a thunderbird restart. Fixed now. Thx.
grizzledmage2012-11-25 23:31:01
I always update to the new TB ONLY on my laptop (important business work usually done on my desktop), to be sure the Quicktext add-on still works. When 17.0 crashed on my laptop I was all set to (1) revert to a previous TB version on the laptop and (2) hold off on any TB updates on the desktop until things were fixed. I went through this thread, did the necessary updates on the laptop and things look good so far; will now go ahead and upgrade with confidence on the desktop! Thanks everybody for all the help!
taconsta2013-06-17 19:39:16
"Works" in that it does not crash TB anymore, which is already very good (why on earth does TB not say that there's an update for Quicktext??), BUT I get ugly [[CURSOR]] marks instead of having the cursor silently moved there.

"Sehr geehrter Herr [[CURSOR]][[TO=lastname]]," is supposed to write "Sehr geehrter Herr Hesslow," and put the cursor right before the Hesslow, such that I can correct it if needed.

What happens now is that I get "Sehr geehrter Herr [[CURSOR]]Hesslow," with the word CURSOR and the brackets highlighted (as in selected).

Did anyone else notice the same behaviour?
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